EMF Home Assessment
Let’s investigate together what you are exposed to in your home, so that you can take action and improve your situation.
Existing Homes
Optimise your home for health
Almost every home in the world exposes its residents to low-level radiation (EMF) from electrical or transmitter sources inside the home and in even greater measures from the outside of the home.
There are thousands of research papers indicating this exposure is harming us or potentially harming us. The question is; How long will you put up with this exposure? How much does health need to deteriorate before you’ll take action, or will you take a more preventative approach and avoid it.
Patrick van der Burght is a world recognised authority in this area, international speaker on this subject, professional trainer for consultants globally and assists corporate high-flyers, celebrities, royalty and ordinary families with their homes. All in an effort optimise the environment for peak health performance in an effort to restore or maintain health.
Today is your turn to engage one of the world’s experts in this field, to join your team. Let’s figure out what is going on and let’s do something logical about it.
About this Process
A proper assessment for EMF radiation in the home is likely to take about 2.5 to 3.5 hours. It involves the people that live there and together with the consultant, you will measure and find out what may need improvement in your home.
It is important that both partners are there to witness this, as you will simply be unable to explain what you’ve found to partners that weren’t there.
Assessment may include:
- Assessment of area around the home
- Magnetic field exposure outside and inside the home
- Electric field exposure in the home and specifically the bedroom
- Radio Frequency (RF) radiation from inside and outside sources
- Geopathic stress assessment of sleeping areas
- Consultation on mitigation solutions.
Contact us for an Appointment
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Here a few common questions. It’s a lot to take in… we’re here to help you.
How long does an assessment take?
Of course, this varies depending on the home, the number of bedrooms and the potential problems we may uncover. As a rough guide, expect 2.5 to 4 hours and sometimes longer.
Do you sell products at the end?
We have a select range of solutions available to our health clients, of which most were carefully crafted by our clinic to fit in a wholistic approach to health. You are under no obligation to purchase anything although it can be empowering to take the bull by the horns and start making a change.
Which products do you recommend?
Based on our experience, the products made by our team at GEOVITAL have shown to maximise the opportunity for the desired outcomes. We have great experience with them and a great reputation. I’d urge you to use them as well where and when needed.
Can kids be present during the assessment?
Yes, they can, but be aware of the duration that an assessment can take. It’s often helpful to have a family member who doesn’t live in the home, present to tend to the kids if needed. It will be insightful to also test the exposure to the children whilst they are in bed. Certainly not to scare them, but more to let mum and dad know what may be affecting them.
It is expensive to fix EMFs in a home?
First, we need to find out what is going on. Once we know what needs to be addressed, we can see what the ideal plan of action would be. It may not be needed, but to shield one bedroom for example might be similar in value as a year’s supply of vitamins or a new iPhone. It keeps working for you for years to come and have a profound effect on sleep quality.